
Hello, World! 

Thanks for stopping by! I started this blog back in 2012 out of a genuine love for writing and a need for a creative outlet during a very unsatisfying stint hauling large amounts of coffee every morning and at a NY fashion PR house. I wanted to connect the three things I find joy in doing - writing, styling + skincare, and opening up an environment where I have no creative limits. From that day, my baby was born. It's gone thru a lot of identity crises and bouts of growing pains, but I'm happy I have a place where I can pour my heart out and allow others into my life. Perhaps even a place where I can one day get to know you all on a deeper level and connect on the same things we find intriguing in this world. Social media has become a questionable space, and I want to make sure I do what I can to make that experience for myself as authentic and real as possible. Please DM me or comment on anything you see, whether you want me to create a specific type of content, write on any thing in particular, or talk about whatever... this space is an open, unyielding place for the both of us... 

Thank you again. xoxo