November 19, 2015

Love Ain't Enough

What can we do? 
Sorry guys, I'm gonna be super emotional and real right now... 
There's just too much turmoil going on in the world right now, brought into mass media light with the attack on Paris. But our hearts should not only be with Paris right now, it should be with the world -- thousands of innocent people killed each day in the Middle East and Africa (ie, the recent bombings in Nigeria). So many being deemed helpless, homeless, hopeless we have to find a way to make some sort of impact, regardless of how small or big that impact is. I usually don't voice my political opinions (let alone take sides) on this blog, and try to keep this blog focused solely on fashion and beauty. However, I find it difficult to sit idly by knowing I have the reach most people don't. As many of you know, 26 states in America have issued statements refusing the settlements of refugees from Syria in their states. To clarify that the absolute decision to allow refugees into America is made by the President, a.k.a. they do not have the authority to bar refugees from entering altogether, but they can request the State not to have refugees sent there and withhold state funds to help these people after they have settled. This is exactly what these terrorists have wanted us to do -- make the world even more helpless. What happens after the poor become shunned from basic human needs? Well, it's part of a recipe for hatred and terror for some. It's a vicious cycle we've seen repeated too many times in history. 

So what can we do from afar to help? My parents were once refugees too; they were given a second chance at life in America after the Khmer Rouge. I grew up on these stories, and have seen first hand how generosity can affect the human soul and change people and their generations to come. I urge you to help these people in the smallest way possible, seeing as all their fate is in the hands of a handful of tyrants, using all too much the pretexts of religion. You could sign this petition supporting refugees in your state here & find out more on how you can get involved/volunteer in your city here 

"Most modern freedom is at root fear. It is not so much that we are not too bold to endure rules, it is that we are too timid to endure responsibilities." - GK Chesterton 

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