September 17, 2015

Six Hours in Mexico

What does one do for a quick getaway from LA...?

What does one do for a quick getaway from LA? A Carnival Cruise of course. Sarcasms aside, we booked a 3 day cruise (aka party boat) and stuffed ourselves to death with food and bloody Mary's. It will literally take my kidney and liver a month to detox all the shit I put into my body. I couldn't help but play the anthropologist, could there be more of weird mix of people on one boat? White families, South East Asian gamblers, party bros, hoes, and ratchet bachelorettes aplenty... Docked along the port of Ensenada, there wasn't a moment when we didn't feel like we haven't even left California -- I'm pretty sure most of the locals spoke better English than I do. I felt kinda cheated from an authentic Mexican experience, but whateverss. We ended up finding this dingy, hole in the wall taco spot! Score. 

Top: LF / Pants: Reformation / Backpack: Alexander Wang / Sandals: Dolce Vita

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