September 21, 2015

In Your Face | Daily Facial Regimens

What's better than make up? A great complexion and clear skin!
To be honest with you guys, I've never really had good skin up until three months ago (it's a constant progress, so it's a longshot until I am near where I want to be).What's even more disappointing was that I was doing very little to fix my horrible skin, and instead had my photographers edit my skin in photoshoots. TSK TSK. The first step towards finding a solution is acknowledging the problem. A lot of you amazing readers and followers have been asking me what's my daily regimen for my skin... I couldn't help but create a post for ya'll ASAP. With that said, I have been a beauty product WHORE for the last six months to the search for the perfect 3 step for my face. It's my pleasure to finally present to you the winning combo (this post is NOT sponsored, and was compiled with my own research and testings!). 

Facial Cleanser (I have combination skin, sometimes more oily than not)
Neutrogena Oil-Free Acne Wash

This product is the epitome of drug store beauty treasure. You don't have to dish out a lot of money for amazing skin, you just have to take care of it with the right products that suit your skin's needs. Mine is combo/oily skin and I tend to break out a lot especially when I sweat. This is THE BEST during summers, it's got gentle, tiny beads that's not too harsh as an every day exfoliator. It leaves your skin moist and feeling super clean after each wash. 

Amazon: $9.40

SKII Facial Treatment Essence

Now I must retract what I have said previously; sometimes you gotta dish out the dough to see some major difference. I absolutely adore this magic in a bottle from SK2. After I completely wash off the day from my face, I dab 4-5 drops of this in my palms and just slap all that good ish onto my face. It takes a few weeks to really see the difference on your face. And trust me you will see a change in texture and clarity. This baby helps cell renewal, adding on the extra boost of minerals your skin wouldn't otherwise get from normal wash+moisterize regimen. If circumstance may have it, and I were to choose between 3 meals a day or spending a chunk of my wallet on this... you already know.

Aesop Oil Free Hydrating Serum

I've always suffered from congested pores. Mornings weren't easy when I wake up and see white heads forming from using heavy lotions. After experimenting with a bazillion moisturizers in the past 6 years (name a product at Sephora and chances are I've tried it all). Just within these recent months, I've tried Lush's almond moisturizer, Clinique's Moisture Surge, L'Occitane Hydra Vital (which is supposed to be super light), and haven't had much luck in changing the condition of my face. At this point, I was really frustrated. There were slight bumps here and there and the shine was hard to hold down. My forehead literally glistened like a mirror signal of one looking for help in the remote wilderness. My friend then told me to try a facial serum instead. It just so happens that I live next to an Aesop store in DTLA, I popped in and I saw the clouds parting ways giving light to this heavenly gift to life. I have been using this for the past month, I'm obsessed! It's super light for the summer! And you can layer it up a couple times if you need something heavier for cooler months! Most importantly, it doesn't leave residue and is so lightweight your skin can breathe! 

I hope this post has helped you out tremendously if you have the same type of combo/oily skin as I do. DO THIS everyday and trust me, you'll see a change. The best feeling is waking up sans make up and still looking good! Even for blog shoots, I only layer a small cover of primer and I'm out the door. Don't overindulge in make up when the best look is a clear face! 

LOVE YOU ALL. Thanks for taking the time to ask me! Comment below or tweet me @urbanbetsy if you want me to answer any more of your beauty/ fashion questions. It makes me happy to hear from you guys! xo

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