Happy Fall, New Yorkers!
Well, well, well... as the winds sink in and the leaves iridesce, once again we are forced to adapt. As much as I'm excited to go into my storage and replace my brights with my black & grays-- I'm slightly saddened by how fast the summer has gone by and a little disappointed at how my complacency has gotten in the way of making full use of the warmth (like those nights of binge-watching Suits and Downton Abbey -- oops). You don't miss your water til the well runs dry... touche, Craig David, touche.
FALL INTO PLACE with these essentials I've picked for this season: (slider can only be seen on desktop, sorry!)
Blazer: Club Monaco / Top: Zara / Shorts: One Teaspoon / Boots: See by Chloe / Bag: Valentino / Shades: Alexander Wang
Some Fall looks last year : New York Fashion Week | Rainy Days
Photos by Michael Ha