Some new projects have been brewing lately after a period of sporadic posts, finally! I'm glad to say I've got my motivation back and my head's finally in the right place. You can do it, if you put your back into it. No sexual innuendos implied. That's been my motto lately and you know what? No matter how far a goal seems, as long as you just keep doing shit everyday no matter how small... you're already one little step closer. So some of you have already realized this, but sometimes revelation requires a personal experience.
One of my new projects is a collaboration with Cream Style. The app (which can be found on iTunes) is a cool mix between your daily style inspiration and a user-friendly shopping platform. Two birds, one stone. Or lots of pigs, one bird. Its updated version will be available soon, so definitely stay tuned to that!
I dropped by Cream's office in the Lower East Side one rare sunny afternoon in NYC. Its layout was like any start up -- open floor plan, iMacs, lots of space. What was remotely differently was on the other side of the expansive white out room -- a plethora of muted-colored, slick tops, bottoms, dresses designed by up and coming contemporary labels waiting to be ravaged by my inner Clothes Whore psyche, which is more often suppressed by my extroverted Shoe Whore one. Racks on racks on racks. The showroom turned into my personal closet, so you can obviously tell I spent more time there than they wanted me. Cream features labels such as Nomia, Priory of Ten, Shaina Mote, and LinieNYC. If you're into that monochromatic palate like I am, then this is for you.
How the partnership works, you ask? Basically, I style the items to my own liking, YOU like/share and if you're in need of a fresh wardrobe update -- you can literally buy my outfits straight from the app! Oh, hooray for technology!
Tuxedo Dress: Priory of Ten / Shoes: Jimmy Choo / Shades: Tom Ford /
Download the app from iTunes :
Download the app from iTunes :

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