This week I was invited to a few Launch NYC/Manufacture New York fashion shows and I was thrilled to see so many young designers -- the scene insanely wreaked of entrepreneurial thirst and yearning. I loved it. What was special about these series of shows and presentations is that it serves as an outlet for up and coming designers to showcase their art, collections that wouldn't have been otherwise shown in the larger tents if ya know what I mean (mostly due to budgeting or a really small niche market). Its major support for "made in New York City" must not be overlooked; kudos to New York City for trying to revive the floundering Garment District (we can all thank globalization for that). Thanks Manufacture NYC and Launch New York for having me at all your events, and for putting me front row!)
First picture: Vaunt & Sol
Second: Abacaxi
Third/Fourth: Heart & Noble
Some exciting things recently! So, I just turned 25. I repeat, 25! Wadddup. I woke up with a bittersweet feeling on the morning of February 4th (or it might have been the head thumping hangover, who knows.. ) but in all seriousness... shit's getting real. All those previous years of nonchalance and carefree spirit (like "I'm still young so I can afford to make mistakes" excuses) won't cut it anymore and I can't say I'm reassured. Time to bootstrap and get'er done! No more bullshit.
Stay warm and safe in another wave of freaking Nor'eastern/polar vortex/whatever dimension we're in right now. Like WTF.
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