Want a mini getaway from the city? Where else but Atlantic City! Sarcasm intended. It's not the usual idyllic setting most people might seek in a getaway; instead, we went to check out the DJ lineup this weekend --and to bask in the greatness of 24hr room service and buffets! The boardwalk was beautiful. It was still quite chilly and gloomy at the beach, but we wanted to check out the carnivals and food stalls (most of which ended up being closed). Nonetheless, there was something very soothing in just walking along the beach, listening to the waves crashing, the birds soaring, and kids laughing --definitely a nice change in scenery!
As for the outfit, it's a challenge finding the right things to wear with these heels because they are so damn rock and roll. So, I kept it simple. Yes, I often plan my outfits around the shoes I'm wearing. They're runway Chloe and it was love at first sight when I got them in Hong Kong a few years back! My dad calls them "duct tape shoes."
Nicky Romero and Steve Aoki spun this weekend. I gotta say, it also does make up for missing out on Ultra this year (I'm too old for raves). Both sets were amazing and we ended having the time of our lives. Oh yeah, we also snapped a picture with our new friend, Steve Aoki.
Have a great Easter Weekend everyone!
Sweatshirt: TopShop // Pants: All Saints // Cap: Vans // Heels: Chloe // Shades: RayBan // Bracelets: Louis Vuitton and Jimmy Choo for H&M
Michael Ha Photography

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